I suppose what I am asking is, does anyone know of a wiki markup engine
that plays well with wicket. I need to create wiki pages from within a
wicket application. I'm not looking for a WYSIWG editor. Basically I'd like
to create a (wicket) page that once you land there, enables the user to
create wiki pages. So really I'm looking for a some form of wiki
engine/markup thats going to be able to handle links jumping from user
generate content page to other user generated content. At the moment wicket
would not be able to handle the URLs I don't think. I'd like to wrap these
user generated pages within a wicket page (that has other wicket
components/panels such as header and main menu, search etc).

On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 11:02 AM, Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org>

> Hi,
> What functionality exactly do you need ?
> A Wiki is more a product than a component.
> Maybe you need a WYSIWYG editor ?
> Martin Grigorov
> Wicket Training and Consulting
> https://twitter.com/mtgrigorov
> On Mon, Jun 1, 2015 at 12:55 PM, Wayne W <waynemailingli...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I'm looking for a wiki like component(s) as we need to add some wiki type
> > functionality to a product. Anyone know of any projects or open source
> > projects? I'd rather not start from scratch if there is something already
> > out there. I see alots of full java based wiki apps but they are all
> based
> > on JPS or struts,etc. Trying to find something that is wicket based, or
> > just something reasonably simple that I can embed more easy.
> >
> > thanks
> >

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