Thanks, Martin.

By writing dependency on wicket in-method grid I meant editable grid
inherently referring inmethod grid.

I did check the Ajax url earlier and following are the values in rendered
html page for the panel.




On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Martin Grigorov <>

> Hi,
> On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 5:09 PM, Mihir Chhaya <>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > My apologies if this is not the right place to post wicketstuff related
> > issues. If so, then please advice me with right forum/link.
> >
> This is the right forum!
> >
> > I am using Wicketstuff-editable-grid-7.1.0 (with dependency on
> > wicketstuff-inmethod-grid-7.1.0).
> >
> Why InMethod-Grid is needed? Or you are migrating from Inmethod to Editable
> ?
> >
> > *Problem:*
> > When two editable grids from two separate child panels are rendered into
> > single container (parent panel), then clicking 'Edit' link in the row for
> > ClassA related editable grid throws 'No get method defined for the class'
> > error for ClassB property which is related to another editable grid.
> >
> Check what is the url for the Ajax call that is made.
> This should tell you why it finds ClassB instead of ClassA.
> >
> > *Requirement:*
> > I have a page with 4 different tabs. On one of the tabs, I want to use a
> > panel with two editable grids for two different static dataset Add/Edit
> > (One grid for tableA, another for tableB).
> >
> > *Efforts:*
> > I have created two separate panel classes as below - each with it's own
> > form and editable grid with it's own editable data provider with
> respective
> > array list of different types. The columns supplied to EditableGrid class
> > contains
> > EditableTextFieldPropertyColumn<ClassA, String> and <ClassB, String>
> > respectively with own properties. Please note that I have used distinct
> > markup Ids for each panel and grid components to avoid any duplication;
> > with setting output markup id to true.
> >
> > PanelA extends Panel{
> >
> >     //Constructor
> >     // formA with editableGridA with editableDataProviderForClassA
> > }
> >
> > PanelB extends Panel{
> >
> >     //Constructor
> >     //formB with editableGridB with editableDataProviderForClassB using
> > }
> >
> > Those two panels are added into parent panel as below:
> >
> > TabbedPanel extends Panel{
> >
> >      //Constructor
> >      // Panel panelA = new PanelA("aPanel");
> >      // Panel panelB = new PanelB("bPanel");
> >      // add(panelA); add(panelB);
> > }
> >
> > As I have mentioned in the problem above; clicking on edit link for
> classA
> > related grid is throwing error for classB property, which is associated
> > with different editable grid.
> >
> > Has anybody experienced similar issue? Any help/suggestions?
> >
> Everything looks OK.
> Check whether the url for the Ajax call after clicking on the cell contains
> "aPanel" or "bPanel".
> >
> > Thanks,
> > -Mihir.
> >

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