On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 10:53 PM, Mihir Chhaya <mihir.chh...@gmail.com>

> Thanks, Martin.
> By writing dependency on wicket in-method grid I meant editable grid
> inherently referring inmethod grid.

The only dependency is wicket-extensions.
I am not sure what you mean by "inherently referring".

> I did check the Ajax url earlier and following are the values in rendered
> html page for the panel.
> Wicket.Ajax.ajax({"u":"./appcontext?5-2.IBehaviorListener.0-admincontroltabs-panel-pcapanel-pcacodegridForm-pcaDataTable-form-dataTable-body-rows-16-cells-6-cell-edit","c":"edit104","e":"click"});;
> Wicket.Ajax.ajax({"u":"./appcontext?5-2.IBehaviorListener.0-admincontroltabs-panel-exccodepanel-excdoccodegridForm-excDataTable-form-dataTable-body-rows-10-cells-4-cell-edit","c":"edit113","e":"click"});;

Assuming that 'pcapanel' is 'aPanel' and 'exccodepanel' is 'bPanel'
everything looks OK.
Clicking on any of those cells should correctly find the respective grid
cell and execute its Ajax behavior.
Put a breakpoint in AjaxEventBehavior#respond() and see why it finds ClassB.

> Thanks,
> -Mihir.
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 3:18 PM, Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org>
> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > On Wed, Feb 17, 2016 at 5:09 PM, Mihir Chhaya <mihir.chh...@gmail.com>
> > wrote:
> >
> > > Hello,
> > >
> > > My apologies if this is not the right place to post wicketstuff related
> > > issues. If so, then please advice me with right forum/link.
> > >
> >
> > This is the right forum!
> >
> >
> > >
> > > I am using Wicketstuff-editable-grid-7.1.0 (with dependency on
> > > wicketstuff-inmethod-grid-7.1.0).
> > >
> >
> > Why InMethod-Grid is needed? Or you are migrating from Inmethod to
> Editable
> > ?
> >
> >
> > >
> > > *Problem:*
> > > When two editable grids from two separate child panels are rendered
> into
> > > single container (parent panel), then clicking 'Edit' link in the row
> for
> > > ClassA related editable grid throws 'No get method defined for the
> class'
> > > error for ClassB property which is related to another editable grid.
> > >
> >
> > Check what is the url for the Ajax call that is made.
> > This should tell you why it finds ClassB instead of ClassA.
> >
> >
> > >
> > > *Requirement:*
> > > I have a page with 4 different tabs. On one of the tabs, I want to use
> a
> > > panel with two editable grids for two different static dataset Add/Edit
> > > (One grid for tableA, another for tableB).
> > >
> > > *Efforts:*
> > > I have created two separate panel classes as below - each with it's own
> > > form and editable grid with it's own editable data provider with
> > respective
> > > array list of different types. The columns supplied to EditableGrid
> class
> > > contains
> > > EditableTextFieldPropertyColumn<ClassA, String> and <ClassB, String>
> > > respectively with own properties. Please note that I have used distinct
> > > markup Ids for each panel and grid components to avoid any duplication;
> > > with setting output markup id to true.
> > >
> > > PanelA extends Panel{
> > >
> > >     //Constructor
> > >     // formA with editableGridA with editableDataProviderForClassA
> > > }
> > >
> > > PanelB extends Panel{
> > >
> > >     //Constructor
> > >     //formB with editableGridB with editableDataProviderForClassB using
> > > }
> > >
> > > Those two panels are added into parent panel as below:
> > >
> > > TabbedPanel extends Panel{
> > >
> > >      //Constructor
> > >      // Panel panelA = new PanelA("aPanel");
> > >      // Panel panelB = new PanelB("bPanel");
> > >      // add(panelA); add(panelB);
> > > }
> > >
> > > As I have mentioned in the problem above; clicking on edit link for
> > classA
> > > related grid is throwing error for classB property, which is associated
> > > with different editable grid.
> > >
> > > Has anybody experienced similar issue? Any help/suggestions?
> > >
> >
> > Everything looks OK.
> > Check whether the url for the Ajax call after clicking on the cell
> contains
> > "aPanel" or "bPanel".
> >
> >
> > >
> > > Thanks,
> > > -Mihir.
> > >
> >

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