On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 2:13 AM, Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org>

> Hi Jenny,
> On Mon, Aug 22, 2016 at 3:30 AM, Jenny Brown <jennybro...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > About 5 years ago, I created wicket-source, a set of extensions that let
> > you inspect a wicket component in your browser, and click a button to go
> to
> > that line of your source code in Eclipse.
> >
> Thank you once again for this plugin!
> I've used every day since you released it the first time!
Wow! I'm glad it was so helpful!

> >
> > As time went on, the browser extensions drifted out of compatibility, to
> > the sadness of those who used them.  Eventually even the workarounds
> > stopped working.
> >
> > So this weekend, I update the Chrome wicket-source extension for Chrome
> 48
> > (updated in chrome web store) and updated the Eclipse plugin (jar is on
> > github) for Eclipse Neon.   (Yeah!!!)
> >
> I use https://github.com/cleiter/wicketsource-contextmenu for Chrome.
> I like it better because it requires less clicks to do the job
Ok that's cool!  I hadn't seen that one before.  I might be able to include
that kind of feature in my plugin.  I'll have to explore a bit.

> >
> > Screenshots, details, and download links are on the wiki:
> >
> >     https://github.com/jennybrown8/wicket-source/wiki
> >
> > The server-side wicket application module still works as before, and is
> > available for Wicket 7.
> >
> It it time to make a release for Wicket 8 (8.0.0-M1)!
> I think it should work without any modifications but still it will be
> better to have version for 8.x so there won't be need to add exclusion for
> Wicket 7.x.
> I'll send you a PR in the coming days!
That'd be great.  One thing to pay attention to is whether the stacktrace
(that it filters through to identify the line of code) might have changed
any as Wicket changed.  Usually it's fine.  Once in a while the structure
changes a bit.

I no longer have access to publish under the net.ftlines maven
coordinates.  I'll publish under com.github.jennybrown8.wicket-source
instead.  Although I need to get set up with Sonatype / maven central
publishing from the ground up, so that might be a little slow.

Thanks for the help!


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