Hi Martin and thanks for your answer!

I think that what you say is that the documentation I found is correct.
  "It is extremely important that when setting the rootRequestMapper it
is done AFTER you have added any bookmarkable links otherwise they will not
be switched over to Secure mode".

I also understand why it's implemented like this. What I don't understand
is why it's now working in our code when we're mounting the bookmarkable
page after setting the requestmapper. I guess we have to take a deeper look
into it.

Once again, thank you for your effort!


lördag 15 oktober 2016 skrev Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org>:

> Hi Lars,
> mountPage("page2", Page2.class);
> setRootRequestMapper(new HttpsMapper(getRootRequestMapper(), new
> HttpsConfig(8080, 8443)));
> mountPage("page3", Page3.class);
> Now if I am at Page1 (http://localhost:8080/page1) and there I have
> add(new BookmarkablePageLink<Void>("page2", Page2.class));
> then the generated url is https://localhost:8443/page2 because the
> HttpsMapper wraps the old root mapper that knows about Page2.
> HttpsMapper doesn't
> implement org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.ICompoundRequestMapper so when
> mountPage(page3) is called Wicket creates a
> new org.apache.wicket.request.mapper.CompoundRequestMapper that adds the
> current root mapper (HttpsMapper) at position 1 and a MountedMapper for
> Page3 at position 2. So requests to Page3 are not handled by HttpsMapper
> and the generated urls are HTTP, not HTTPS.
> HttpsMapper intentionally doesn't implement ICompoundRequestMapper exactly
> for this reason - to make it possible to configure pages which should never
> be secured.
> Martin Grigorov
> Wicket Training and Consulting
> https://twitter.com/mtgrigorov
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2016 at 2:48 PM, Lars Törner <lars.tor...@gmail.com
> <javascript:;>> wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > we had a problem where a bookmarkable link didn't become a https link.
> >
> > I found this:
> > https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/WICKET/How+
> > to+switch+to+SSL+mode
> >
> > Which, with a warning,  states:
> >
> >  "It is extemtely important that when setting the rootRequestMapper it is
> > done AFTER you have added any bookmarkable links otherwise they will not
> be
> > switched over to Secure mode."
> >
> > I found that we in our Application.init() did the opposite, i.e. set the
> > rootRequestMapper before the page mounting. Problem solved, I thought.
> >
> > Instead the problem was that the page wasn't mounted at all, and the only
> > thing that worked was to mount the page and keep the order we had, which,
> > according to the link and the warning above is bound to fail.
> >
> > Please, can anyone tell me what I'm missing here?
> >
> > Wicket version: 6.22.
> >
> > Cheers
> > Lars
> >

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