Hi ossi,

On Sep 21, 2007, at 10:59 AM, ossi petz wrote:

> Hallooooooo
> Well i kinda reached the point of another stupid question:
> after a click around-round on
> http://wikihost:8080/xwiki/bin/admin/XWiki/XWikiPreferences
> and turning eny authentication option to yes i dont know the default
> administration accont.
> is there some default admin account (beside that superadmin)?
> or should i have done that BEFORE clicking around?

Doesn't superadmin work for you? (it's meant for these kinds of  

If you have imported the default XAR for XE then yes there's an Admin  
user created. User: Admin, Password: admin

> When i compare all the .war packaged software to what i am used  
> from php
> based things (wiki, forums, cms) the most foolproof procedure is this:
>   - upload the files (*.php, .war) to appfolder
>   - connect to the page (http://host/appfolder)
>   - when nothing was installed yet, the installer starts
>   - it asks for the database connection parameters
>   - it asks for an admin account (username, emails, password)
>   - it then installs (creates db, tables, admin account, default  
> files)
>   - in xwiki case even an option to import the default pages from that
> .xar could be added
>   - done. a link to the startpage
>   - now one can login with the admin account and start configuration
>   - if i dont configure the application at this point no damage can be
> done by anonmyous users. so the default settings are normally a bit
> strict. but well a wiki may be more open than a cms.
> the goal should be to not have to manually edit config files, security
> params whatsoever.
> in bamboo (or was it teamcity? both java.war based installations) the
> location of the log file is configured during the installtion steps.
> everything crucial to the application.

ok, I understand and I agree. We need an Installation Wizard.

> the side effect is: no one ever reads instructions. cause its straight
> forward and alwys the same. no stupid questions either ;-D

I agree.

> in my opnion we java people should learn from the comfort those php  
> guys
> came up with.

Not sure what it has to do with PHP but I definitely agree about the  
installation wizard.

That said for now we have something even easier with the standalone  
installation (the one that bundles everything) but I agree it doesn't  
let you choose your container and your DB so we need that  
installation wizard.

I have created this jira issue:

Thanks for this feedback!

> Vincent Massol schrieb:
>> Hi ossi,
>> On Sep 21, 2007, at 12:48 AM, ossi petz wrote:
>>> Hallo
>>> I did read those pages. I promise! Really! I mean it! Initially it
>>> didnt
>>> work with the original Mysql dialect. Probably because i did not yet
>>> solve the security trouble i had at that moment.
>>> i cleaned the database and changed from Mysql5 to the Mysql Dialect
>>> and
>>> OH see! it works! :-)
>> Glad you got it working!
>>> yet it amazes me: mysql did change a lot of things from version  
>>> 4.1 to
>>> 5.0 (join syntax, sql strict). i was kinda expecting more detailed
>>> requirements on the database versions. i do a lot of work and
>>> installations on php based software. they all distinguish mysql
>>> 4.0, 4.1
>>> and 5.0 versions. compared to mediawiki the setup takes ages. well 2
>>> hours compared to 20 minutes. no disaster - yet space for
>>> improvement :)
>> Well there are 2 options when installing:
>> 1) User want to try quickly or is not too technical: He uses the
>> standalone installation. (the zip, installer jar or exe). There's
>> nothing to do, it's all setup; No container, no db to setup.
>> 2) User wants control on his container + DB and is technical: He
>> picks the WAR AND reads the documentation.
>> For 1), setup takes under a minute.
>> For 2), I would say setup should take about 10 minutes max if you
>> follow the documentation.
>> Still I'd like to understand why it took longer for you and how
>> mediawiki's setup is simpler so that we can improve the setup.
>> Thanks
>> -Vincent
>>> ready for testing now.
>>> thanks a lot!
>>> regards
>>> ossi
>>> Vincent Massol schrieb:
>>>> Hi ossi,
>>>> Why don't you check the Installation guide on xwiki.org? :)
>>>> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/Installation
>>>> You'll see that it has a section about MySQL:
>>>> http://www.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/AdminGuide/InstallationMySQL
>>>> The dialect there is different from the one you used. What's  
>>>> sure is
>>>> that the issue is a Hibernate configuration issue.
>>>> Hopefully, that should solve the trial and error issue :)
>>>> Thanks
>>>> -Vincent
>>>> On Sep 20, 2007, at 7:35 PM, ossi petz wrote:
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