Vitantonio Messa wrote:
> Hi,
> it is possible. Instead of checking if the current user has 
> administrator rights, you can check if he is in the group you want.
> There was a discussion about that some days ago on the mailing list. 
> Look for it, if I remember right there was also the code you need.
> Vito
> V. Harikrishnan Nair wrote:
>> Hi.
>>   It is seen that Panel items can be hidden from users other than the Admins
>> using this statement -> #if ($xwiki.hasAdminRights()), right ? 
>>   Is it possible to be able to display certain Panel items to certain user
>> groups ? If so, how ?
>> Harikrishnan
Just to ease the task. To show/hide a panel for the current user:

#set ($user = $xwiki.getUser())


Ricardo Rodríguez
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