
Sergiu Dumitriu wrote:
>> This almost works (in intelligent browsers):
>> #xwikimaincontainer {
>>    width: 800px;
>>    margin: auto !important;
>> }
>> To make it work in IE also, something like this should work (can't test 
>> as I don't have IE):
>> #body {
>>    text-align: center;
>> }
>> The problem is that the background X is not suited for this kind of layout.

I am trying this solution and I am not able to get it working (perhaps 
this is included in your "almost"!). I concentrate first in "intelligent 
browsers", Firefox, OmniWeb and Safari included. I am adding...

#xwikimaincontainer {
   width: 800px;
   margin: auto !important;

to the Style.css included in a XWiki.XWikiSkins object (customized 
skin). #xwikimaincontainer is added to the bottom of the record. Width 
works like a charm. Any other margin option works without a glitch. But 
auto doesn't produce the expected effect.

The only reason I can figure out is that this is not the only class 
affecting position of #xwikimaincontainer and there is another class 
prevailing that sets border to 0pt. In this case, my doubt is why does 
other border settings work?

Here what I see in Firebug...

<html lang="en" xml:lang="en" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml";>
<body id="body" class="xwiki_test01 viewbody hidelefthideright">
<div id="xwikimaincontainer">
<div id="xwikimaincontainerinner">

I interpret that only #xwikimaincontainer class must affect 
xwikimaincontainer div position, but it is obviously wrong.

I do need to improve my CSS skills (among many other things...)! Any 
help will be really welcome to work out this issue. Thanks.



Ricardo Rodríguez
Your EPEC Network ICT Team

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