On Mon, 14 Apr 2008 11:33:19 +0200, [Ricardo Rodriguez] Your EPEC Network ICT
Team wrote
> Morning!

 Yet one quick question: are you have programming rights ?

(I trying reproduce situation and still can't understand it)

> rssh wrote:
> > Something really change.
> >
> > let's test all steps.
> >
> >  1. plugin is installed.
> > test page:
> >  $plugin = $xwiki.sql
> >  plugin is $plugin
> > (page must print something like 
> >   'plugin is ua.gradsoft.xwikisql.SqlPluginApi$3333'
> >  )
> >
> > 2. database is retrieved
> > test page:
> >  $plugin = $xwiki.sql
> >  plugin is $plugin
> >  <br>
> >  $db = $plugin.getDatabase('myDs');
> >  db is $db
> >  
> > (page must print something like 
> >   'plugin is ua.gradsoft.xwikisql.SqlPluginApi$3333'
> >   db is '$db' 
> >    (if it was not found)
> >  )
> >   
> Here the results...
> http://mire.environmentalchange.net/~webmaster/images/XwikiSqlTest.png
> >  and in xwiki.log we will see error message.
> >
> > (also, check, that you have no entry
> >  xwikisql.logEnabled=false
> > in you xwiki.cfg
> > )
> >
> No error was logged in xwiki.log. There is no such an entry in 
> xwiki.cfg. Here the logj.properties in /classes...
> http://mire.environmentalchange.net/~webmaster/txt/log4j.properties.txt
> > If not - something very strange, will think about new experiments.
> >
> >
> Sorry for not being of much help!!! Please, let me know what else 
> must/could I try here. Thanks!
> Cheers,
> Ricardo
> -- 
[UTF-8?]> Ricardo Rodrцґguez
> Your EPEC Network ICT Team
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