Hi Alain,

Alain M. wrote:
> Hi Sergiu,
> ok, I can say then that:
> 1) Container security doesn't seam to a major concern, or you would have 
>   been more preocupied. I will seek a qualified professional and pass 
> him your information.
> 2) wiki secure by it's users is up to me :) this is quite normal
> BUT the real question: is if xwiki by it self has security issues. Let 
> me give an example: php has a weekness known as "sql injection".

Just a brief comment as my skills aren't enough to keep this discussion: 
you are comparing two different things. PHP can not be one term of the 
comparison. You can compare PHP with Java; or XWiki with MediaWiki (the 
first running on a Java servlet container, the second running on PHP.

We come from MediaWiki. We was pretty happy there, but we where missing 
a number of things. Granularity in access control was the main one. 
XWiki is walking fast toward a powerful rights managing system.

Hope this helps,

> Is XWiki prone to the same kind of problem?
> Thanks,
> Alain

Ricardo Rodríguez
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