Thomas Mortagne wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sat, Mar 7, 2009 at 16:59, Dilipkumar Jadhav
> <> wrote:
>> Hello friends,
>> My wiki has grown considerably now and we are at a phase where we
>> would like to measure and analyze contributors and their
>> contributions.  I am using XWiki 1.7.2.
>> I followed the instructions at
>> and
>> set the following in the  xwiki.cfg file.
>> xwiki.stats=1
>> xwiki.stats.default=1
>> Now, I can see that the stats are being recorded in the database (mysql) 
>> tables.
>> However, when i visit the stats home in my wiki all i see is "No
>> statistics have been recorded" for all statistics panels. All the
>> graphs show no activity. Also, i have enabled the stats module about 2
>> weeks back during which course there has been a lot of activity on the
>> wiki.
>> Also, the stats seems to work on the XWiki installed on my home pc.
>> However, at my office  instance of XWiki the stats module does not
>> work. Could it have something to do with the proxy server that we have
>> setup in office.
> "No statistics have been recorded" is printed when statistics are
> disabled so I doubt it has anything to do with proxy (it does not
> really check if there is something recorded or not, even if nothing
> was in the database it should generate en empty graph). Maybe you have
> a "statistics" field set to 0 in XWiki.XWikiPreferences (edit in
> object mode to check)

No Thomas, the message when statistics are disabled is "The statistics 
module is disabled by default for improved performance. For more 
details, see ..". This message means that nothing was retrieved from the 

There might be a problem with another component, the best thing to do is 
to debug each statement in one of the panels. Take for example the 
Stats.CurrentMonthActivity document, edit the panel, and after each #set 
line print the newly set variable, and see which one is wrong. A 
possible problem is that the jodatime plugin is disabled.

Sergiu Dumitriu
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