Hello Frantisek,

MyXWiki.org is a free service offered by XWiki SAS 
(http://www.xwiki.com) for non-profit organizations and individuals. For 
company needs, XWiki SAS offers pro hosting and support 
To test drive the last version of XWiki Enterprise you can download the 
standard distributions we provide at:
We've updated the home page of myxwiki.org to better explain the rules 
of the community farm.

Thanks for your understanding,
Jerome, on behalf of the MyXWiki community.

Frantisek Kall wrote:
> I'm using XWiki (1.3) in our company. For testing of new functionality
> (especially in wysiwyg editor) I need the newest version of well configured
> XWiki. I registered as "kaferos" and I would like to use "twig" as server
> name.
> Thanks
> Frantisek Kall

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