Gerritjan Koekkoek wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm puzzled by HOW scripts, CSS, images can be located by XWIKI that  
> reside in the skindirectory inthe skinsfolder (Albatros, Toucan or  
> custom build skins)
> How does this work?
> My question is most urgent on scripts (Velocity in my case)
> I see the developper has created a few scripts: attachmentsinline.vm,  
> endpage.vm, registerinline.vm, changeavatar.vm, footer.vm,  
> registeruser.vm
> editactions.vm, global.vm, startpage.vm, editinline.vm, history.vm,  
> stylesheets.vm, editmodes.vm, login.vm, userinactive.vm,  
> editpanelsvars.vm
> menuview.vm, validations.vm, edituser.vm, passwd.vm
> I list them all on purpose;
> some scripts I can trace back to scripts in the, They are  
> invoked from a piece of code
> <script type="text/javascript">
>       window.onload=disableLinkForPopup;
>       document.getElementById("menuview").style.display="none";
>       document.getElementById("globallinks").style.display="none";
> </script>
> (notice the call to "menuview")

This is not a call to menuview. This is JavaScript. It works on the 
clientside, inside the browser, and it just gets a reference to a HTML 
element with that ID. It has nothing to do with the velocity template.

> Some are invoked from the other (example in global.vm)
> #template("validations.vm")
> But I can not trace back all of the scripts in the list above, either  
> they are useless or they are called by some XWIKI process i'm not  
> aware off.

XWiki is mainly developed in Java, velocity templates are used for 
presentation and some basic functionalities. None of the templates are 
useless, they are all called either from a java Action, or, as you 
mentioned, recursively from other templates or documents.

> I'm in the process of moving all these files of the custom skin into  
> the wiki (to get rid of dependencies of system managers) , but untill  
> I understand how they work or are invoked I find it tricky

What do you mean? What system managers?

Sergiu Dumitriu
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