Vincent Massol wrote:
> On Dec 3, 2009, at 9:15 AM, Jim Grisanzio wrote:
>> We use XWiki 1.8 (yes, we're updating soon) for OpenSolaris, and we  
>> have
>> a large and active community in Japan. In fact, Japan is the #1
>> non-English language driving traffic to our site. I notice that  
>> Japanese
>> is not supported but these 21 languages are:
> Right, I haven't seen anyone providing some translation for Japanese.
> If you'd like to start adding translations for that language please  
> follow the instructions at

Ok, cool. Thanks for the confirmation. I am going to suggest to the 
OpenSolaris community in Tokyo that they get directly involved right 
here in the XWiki community and get the resources file translated. This 
way, when we update our site it will support ja. We have a lot of 
Japanese content out there, and I need it properly supported in XWiki 
(not just sitting in English pages, in other words). Our community has 
already contributed substantial localized content to OpenSolaris, so 
hopefully they'll jump in and contribute here as well. I'll let you know. :)


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