Vincent Massol wrote:
>> ...
Thank you for all your suggestions, pointers, and comments.  Clearly 
support is not a problem with XWiki.  I'll start working with this 
information some more now and see if that helps me get the project 
moving faster!

>> One thing I'm also not clear how to do is if I wanted to put up a form 
>> on a page that collects some information and then e-mails it to someone 
>> (e.g., a request for information form) - is that something I can even do 
>> at all?  That would be okay to have scripting since it'd need CAPTCHA 
>> and all that.
> Re captcha we have just committed a captcha component. You'll have it in XE 
> 2.2 milestone 2 to be released next week.
> Re mail, we have a mail sender plugin:
Yep.  Do you have a tutorial on how to combine that with a form?  I need 
to create a page that has a bunch of fields (Name, address, some free 
form, etc) and then have everything submitted get e-mailed to someone to 

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