On 03/24/2010 03:07 PM, Frantisek Kall wrote:
> Hi Roman, hi Sergiu
> thanks for your help.
> As Roman wrote, our problem was with system documents.
> First we upgraded from 2.1.M1 to 2.2.2  (we upgraded only core, not
> documents from default xar) - livetable didn't work well, index page was
> empty, also page with livetable for "TestClass" was empty.
> Then we upgraded from 2.2.2 to 2.2.3 - same result.
> Then I imported documents from default xar for version 2.2.3 (I imported all
> documents but -  XWiki.XWikiPreferences,  XWiki.WebPreferences,
> XWiki.XWikiAllGroup, XWiki.XWikiAdminGroup)

You should take care of XWiki.Admin, since you imported it (change the 

> Problem with empty index page was solved. Index page work well, but with
> livetable for "TestClass" I had same problem I have had before. There was
> still row for template document in livetable.
> Class name is "TestClass", template is "TestTemplate" (it is default name
> for template).
> When you are creating class with name Test suffix Class is added, but not
> for template.
> Filter in LiveTableResultsMacros is ... doc.fullName<>'${className}Template
> ...
> When I renamed "TestTemplate" to "TestClassTemplate" livetable started work
> well,  template document in livetable for TestClass is filtered.
> I assume it is an issue, should I raise Jira issue for  it?

Yes, please.

> Also if there is a column for TextArea type property in a livetable, table
> is empty, but maybe it is a feature not issue.

This should have been fixed...

Sergiu Dumitriu
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