Hi Gregor,

On Fri, Mar 26, 2010 at 11:10 AM, 2smart4u <rc4...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> Jean,
> since I'm not familiar with the XWiki-nomenclaturea:
> I do now a Milestone as some kind of test-(alpha-/beta-)version, so my
> question is:
> Is this a stable production release or is it kind of a test-version?

It's an experimental version. Basically you have:

   - Milestone 1 -> new stuff gets added
   - Milestone 2 -> some more new stuff
   - Release Candidate 1 -> stuff gets fixed
   - Release Candidate 2 -> stuff that was supposed to get fixed before gets
   - Final -> official stable release
   - Final.1 -> some more bugfixes
   - Final.2 -> hopefully latest batch of bugfixes

The whole process takes about 4 months.


> Gregor
> --
> just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you...
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