On 06/15/2010 06:01 PM, Lee Chalupa wrote:
> I used the url you sent me to create a new page.
> Entered the code you sent me.
> I can't complete the next step:
> "making sure the syntax d
> isplayed in the Document Information panel is "XWiki 2.0"). Save and view."
> My document information panel does not have any reference to a field with a
> value such as XWiki 2.0?

Have you installed the 2.3 XAR? Maybe the Document Information panel was 
not updated. Otherwise, maybe you don't have administration right or 
you're using a custom skin. Anyway, since XWiki Enterprise 2.0 new pages 
have XWiki 2.0 syntax set by default. What is displayed after you save 
the page?

Hope this helps,

> lee
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