
Is there anyone that can help with this?

Apologies if it seems like a noob question - I've searched for an answer
in the Xwiki docs and on Google.

Am I posting on the wrong mailing list?

Best regards,


We run an xwiki for our internal development team (  version It's not a major concern, but the document index points to
'dead' pages. Either they don't exist anymore or they're inaccessible?

One example is "Build 6.2.35/0 - Issues Resolved".

"Build 6.2.35" is the space name, "0 - Issues Resolved" is the page
name. It always appears on the Document Index, but it doesn't seem to
exist. Using most of the page delete snippets I've seen, they use a
syntax similar to:

print " [[to delete>>"+xwiki.getURL("Space.Page", "delete")+"]]"


[delete page>$xwiki.getURL("Space.Page", "delete")]

Both of the above work (delete the page and remove from the index page)
for a 'normal' page, but not my 'dead' page.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards,
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