Hi Lenny,

On 11/20/2010 12:09 AM, Scardino, Leonard R Jr ERDC-ITL-MS Contractor wrote:
> I'm afraid I've searched as much as I can, and cannot find an answer to this.

> I just did a fresh install of xwiki on Windows Server 2003,
> Apache/Tomcat(5.5.28), MySQL Server 5.1.

What version of XWiki Enterprise did you install?

> I'm getting boxes with "! Unknown macro: html".

Does this happen only with the HTML macro? Are the rest of the macros 
(e.g. velocity, groovy, info etc.) working fine?

> I've also installed xwiki on my laptop running XP, Tomcat(6.0.26), MySQL
> Server 5.1, and had no problems.
> Can someone give me an idea of what might be causing this?  I'm a java
> programmer, so I can get into nuts and bolts if necessary.  Hopefully its
> not. If I have not provided enough information, please let me know and I'll
> be happy to expound.

Are there any exceptions logged when you start the wiki or when you 
render a wiki page that includes an HTML macro?

You have xwiki-core-rendering-macro-html-x.y.jar in your WEB-INF/lib right?

Hope this helps,

> Thanks,
> Lenny
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