Hi Jeremie,

On Dec 2, 2011, at 2:06 PM, jerem wrote:

> By the way, in the Component tutorial :
> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/WritingComponents
> ... there is nothing clear about this needed registration step ... As it's
> described, deploying a component in order to use it seems as easy as copying
> the .jar somewhere. Maybe some more details could be added in the tutorial ?

There's this line:

"And now, the components.txt file, in which component implementations present 
in this jar are specified for the ComponentManager to register them."

This combined with Annotations makes registration.

> In fact in the tutorial it seems we only need to create a component.txt file
> and everything is auto-magically registered by the ComponentManager …

Yes that's what is called registration (with annotations) :)

There are some more details here (referenced from the tutorial: "You should 
start by reading the Reference document on XWiki Components."):

So for registration 2 solutions are possible:
1) automatically with annotations and components.txt
2) manually using the ComponentManager


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