Hi Mohit

I think I understood now what you try to do. So App 1 is not an XWiki,
and only App 2 is XWiki. In that case I think you will have to write
your own authenticator. Since I never had the need to do that I can't
tell you how, just point you to the XWiki documentation on
authentication. There you can find also a chapter on custom

I hope you can find what you need there

On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 4:53 PM, mohit gupta <motgu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Edo for quick reply. its not an intranet application. Let me
> explain what my intention is
> i have a full fledged banking web application (say App1) developed in
> java using struts 2 hosted on tomcat. Now i am planning to develop a
> different web application  (App2) help content for my App1. For this i
> downloaded xwiki enterprise. Looks like xwiki is hosted on jetty
> webserver. Right?  Now i want to introduce a hyperlink on some jsp
> page on App1 which will take me to my xwiki help application i.e
> App2.I am assuming right now App2 will ask me some user credentials
> i.e username and password. Right? so what i want to to do here is when
> i click on hyperlink it should take me to some servlet lying in App2
> with some userid . Then with this user id App2(i.e xwiki application)
> again talks to some servlet lying on App1(i.e my banking application)
> which checks whether user exist in database or not . if yes it gives
> green signal to servlet in xwiki application(App2) and it shows the
> home page of wiki help otherwise throw some exception.
> Above is the crux of work what i am planning to do.
> What i want to know
> What are xwiki modules and tools i need to download?
> Which xwiki  java classes and servlets i need to explore so that i can
> proceed in right direction?
> how my banking webapplication and newly developed xwiki application
> will interact each other?
> Can i host xwiki application on tomcat instead of jetty webserver
> which seeems to be default server where xwiki application will be
> hosted?
> How will i get the source code of xwiki application?
> which specific developer guide/'topic i need to go thru in detail .
> Though i went thru developer guide on xwiki site but could not get
> much out of it.
> I am in urgent need of this so that i can start upon at
> earliest.Thanks in Advance.
> On 12/2/11, Edo Beutler <ebeut...@synventis.com> wrote:
>> Hi Mohit
>> I am not sure I completely understand what your intention is. But as I
>> understand it, two solutions come to mind:
>> 1. If it is an intranet application in an organisation you could think
>> about using LDAP and SSO (xwiki external), which would not exactly
>> match your example, but can remove the need to login separately.
>> 2. A virtual wiki environment (would probably be used also for 1.)
>> with all the users on the main wiki. And the xwiki "internal SSO"
>> activated. So you could create your two applications in separate
>> virtual wikis and logging in to one would also log you in to the other
>> application.
>> Hope this helps
>> Edo
>> On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 11:31 AM, mohit gupta <motgu...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> i have my banking webapplication on tomcat. i want to host my application
>>> help on xwiki which will sit on another server(probably
>>> xwiki will be having its on app server). Basically what i have to do is i
>>> want to provide a link on my banking application on click of which
>>> i want to take it to wiki help(help shoud not ask any credentialsat
>>> http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/DevGuide/WebHome)
>>>  though it should ask for credential if i hit my xwiki URL directly.i am
>>> not getting how to start it?i have gone thru xwiki devguide but could
>>> not get much out of it. It would be great if somebody can give me heads up
>>> how can i can i start it at high level, it would be a great help.
>>> As xwiki site states many tools to download like
>>> manager,enterprise,platform. which tool one i shoud start with and what
>>> should be the starting point
>>> in that?
>>> i want to give the users to modify the wiki page on the basis of roles in
>>> my banking application. So my application and xwiki has to interact a lot.
>>> looking for how we can proceed for this. My application is using struts 2.
>>> Another question i have is once i dowload xwiki enterprsise, should i host
>>> in seperate tomcat or downloaded xwiki application will have its own
>>> webserver.
>>> Its really urgent for me. Looking for quick reply
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Mohit GUpta
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