Rendering cache works well for me. 

Well, quite obviously, not for me :) 

First of all, not that your are mixing two different features here: what 
you find in xwiki.cfg and $context.setCacheDuration() are old caching 
system which is maintained for retro-compatibility reasons only in 
xwiki/1.0 syntax. 

If setCacheDuration does not work in xwiki 2, how do i specify per page cache 
rules? Going through the process of shuting down xwiki to adjust .properties 
for each page that requires cache disabling can quickly beocme a nightmare. 

Now about the more generic rendering cache located in, is 
your wiki name really "wiki" ? Because here you indicated that you wanted 
to cache all the pages in the wiki which has "wiki" as identifier. If you 
are in a single wiki mode (XWiki Enterprise for example) you can simply 
remove the wiki part as in 


I thought xwiki was the default wiki name :) However, here is adujsted config: 
still the same problem. As you can see, i asked to cache *everything* :) 

#-# [Since 2.4M1] 
#-# A list of Java regex patterns matching full documents reference. 
# core.renderingcache.documents=wiki:Space\.Page 
# core.renderingcache.documents=wiki:Space\..* 

#-# [Since 2.4M1] 
#-# The time (in seconds) after which data should be removed from the cache 
when not used. 
#-# Default value is 300 (5 min). 
# core.renderingcache.duration=300 

#-# [Since 2.4M1] 
#-# The size of the rendering cache. Not that it's not the number of cached 
documents but the number of cached results. 
#-# (For a single document several cache entries are created, because each 
action, language and request query string 
#-# produces a unique rendering result) 
#-# Default value is 100. 

Here is my log output, if that can be of any use: 
12:15:44,611 INFO [stdout] 
 ***************************************phone menu not in cache 
12:15:45,327 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 
12:15:45,342 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 
12:15:45,327 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 
12:15:59,560 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'view' 
12:16:00,377 INFO [stdout] 
 ***************************************phone menu not in cache 
12:16:00,496 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 
12:16:00,497 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 
12:16:00,496 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 
12:19:06,714 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'view' 
12:19:07,520 INFO [stdout] 
 ***************************************phone menu not in cache 
12:19:07,601 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 
12:19:07,609 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 
12:19:07,647 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 
12:19:09,749 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'view' 
12:19:10,440 INFO [stdout] 
 ***************************************phone menu not in cache 
12:19:10,556 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 
12:19:10,558 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 
12:19:10,563 WARN [org.apache.struts.util.RequestUtils] 
 No FormBeanConfig found under 'download' 

Also, is there some way i can debug log the cache works so i can see what is 

David Delbecq 

David Delbecq 
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