On Thu, Dec 6, 2012 at 2:45 PM, David Delbecq <david.delb...@meteo.be>wrote:

> > You can also use cache macro (see
> > http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Cache+Macro) to
> choose
> > different timing for each contents.
> For what i read, it operates at a differente level, i caches the XDOM, not
> the rendered content. I am pretty sure XDOM uses more space in memory that
> a simple String, you still have the overhead of rendering operation and you
> have to manually manage your cache key, which is far mor cumbersome thant
> saying xwiki "hey, cache this page for 5 minutes, ok?)

> Moreover, documentation suggest to avoid haveing different timeToLive on
> different pages, because that's as much threads :s

That's true only with JBoss Cache but not with Infinispan which is what is
used by default in recent XWiki versions.

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