Hello there,  I've been banging my head against the desk a few days now
over this.  I just can't find the answer online anywhere.

I'd like to perform an HQL query and use a number property of an object on
each document to sort my results.  I understand SQL very well, but I just
need to know the object/property stucture -- exact syntax -- to use as the
order by argument.  I followed the FAQ tutorial to create my class systeem,
and it all works fine, but I need to be able to display the records/objects
in order.

What I have:

#set($sql = ", BaseObject as obj, IntegerProperty as prop where obj.name =
doc.fullName and obj.className = 'Sensor Types.SensorTypeClass' and obj.name
<> 'Sensor Types.SensorTypeTemplate' order by ??? asc")

...except for the ??? of course.  I've tried many things, but I can't
figure out the structure I need to place there.

The property I need to sort by is "TypeID" and is attached to the
SensorTypeClass, and is an integer.

Thanks in advance for any help anyone could lend me :)

Dale Davidson
Technical Writer / Production Diagnostics
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