On 08/27/2014 03:29 PM, Dale Davidson wrote:
> Hello there,  I've been banging my head against the desk a few days now
> over this.  I just can't find the answer online anywhere.
> I'd like to perform an HQL query and use a number property of an object on
> each document to sort my results.  I understand SQL very well, but I just
> need to know the object/property stucture -- exact syntax -- to use as the
> order by argument.  I followed the FAQ tutorial to create my class systeem,
> and it all works fine, but I need to be able to display the records/objects
> in order.
> What I have:
> #set($sql = ", BaseObject as obj, IntegerProperty as prop where obj.name =
> doc.fullName and obj.className = 'Sensor Types.SensorTypeClass' and obj.name
> <> 'Sensor Types.SensorTypeTemplate' order by ??? asc")

prop is not joined in the query, this means you're getting horrible
performance if this is indeed your query. Perhaps that's your question,
what to write to get this property in the query? Is this what you're
looking for:

#set($sql = ", BaseObject as obj, IntegerProperty as prop where obj.name
= doc.fullName and obj.className = 'Sensor Types.SensorTypeClass' and
obj.name <> 'Sensor Types.SensorTypeTemplate'
and prop.id.id = obj.id and prop.id.name = 'TypeID' order by prop.value

In general you join properties with prop.id.id=obj.id, check the
property name with prop.id.name='propName', and get the value with
prop.value but this last part isn't always like this, there are two

- StringLists with multiple=true and relational=false use prop.textValue
- StringLists with multiple=true and relational=true use prop.list, but
you usually have to write:

, DBStringListProperty prop join prop.list list [...] prop.id.name =
'propName' and list = 'value'

> ...except for the ??? of course.  I've tried many things, but I can't
> figure out the structure I need to place there.
> The property I need to sort by is "TypeID" and is attached to the
> SensorTypeClass, and is an integer.
> Thanks in advance for any help anyone could lend me :)

Sergiu Dumitriu
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