On 01/30/2015 11:20 AM, Дмитрий Федин wrote:
>  Hello everyone!
> I have a problem with frames on my xwiki (http://dafedin.myxwiki.org) . Look 
> screenshot in attachment. I have updated wiki but it's dont helps. Help me!
> with respect? Dmytro

the Problem is that the CSS files assumes you are using the "toucan" skin, 
which is no longer installed.
No idea how this could happen.

One thing you can do is to base the currently used skin to a supported one.

I guess you can go to:
and  look for the "Base Skin" input field.

This should contain "flamingo" or "colibri". If it contains "toucan", or 
nothing, then typing in "flamingo" and saviong teh page should fix the issue.

hope this helps,
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