On 01/30/2015 04:07 PM, vinc...@massol.net wrote:
> On 30 Jan 2015 at 15:56:54, Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar 
> (c.robbenh...@espresto.com(mailto:c.robbenh...@espresto.com)) wrote:
>> On 01/30/2015 11:20 AM, Дмитрий Федин wrote:
>>> Hello everyone!
>>> I have a problem with frames on my xwiki (http://dafedin.myxwiki.org) . 
>>> Look screenshot in attachment. I have updated wiki but it's dont helps. 
>>> Help me!
>>> with respect? Dmytro
>> the Problem is that the CSS files assumes you are using the "toucan" skin, 
>> which is no longer installed.
>> No idea how this could happen.
> The toucan skin was removed from the XE distribution in version 4.3, see 
> http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Toucan+Skin
> Thanks
> -Vincent

Yeah, I meant to say: why is toucan still (or again) referenced? not: "where is 
it gone" ;)

But I see the DefaultSkin of the dafedin wiki has not been touched in quite 
some time, so I guess that is why toucan is still there.


>> One thing you can do is to base the currently used skin to a supported one.
>> I guess you can go to:
>> http://dafedin.myxwiki.org/xwiki/bin/edit/XWiki/DefaultSkin?editor=object
>> and look for the "Base Skin" input field.
>> This should contain "flamingo" or "colibri". If it contains "toucan", or 
>> nothing, then typing in "flamingo" and saviong teh page should fix the issue.
>> hope this helps,
>> Clemens
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mit freundlichen Grüßen
Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar

Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar
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EsPresto AG
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