Hi Dennis,

> On 18 Aug 2016, at 12:19, D R <rir....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> I upgraded XWiki from 7.0.1 to 7.4.4 which went fine.
> After checking everything is ok I ran the nested pages migration
> application and noticed some things I have questions on:
> 1. After migrating my main wiki the heading "Wiki Home" was replaced by
> "$services.localization.render('xe.home.title')". Sub wikis didn't have
> this side effect. Maybe a bug in the migrator?
> 2. After migration I noticed that the spaces that were previously right
> below Main stayed but are hidden now. In addition all spaces are now below
> the node "XWiki Bereich" (German for "XWiki Space") as nested pages.
> Creating new pages on the main page are placed right on the main page and
> directly below the wiki node in the tree.
> Example:
> * Home / XWiki Space / Migrated Space / Sub docs
> * Home / New Page / Sub docs

Can you explain how you’ve used the migrator (what options you set, etc)?


> In the database they look like this:
> * xwikidoc
> ** XWD_NAME: WebHome; XWD_TITLE: Migrated Space; XWD_PARENT: Main.WebHome;
> XWD_WEB: Main.Migrated Space
> ** XWD_NAME: WebHome; XWD_TITLE: New Page; XWD_PARENT:
> subwiki:Main.WebHome; XWD_WEB: New Page
> * xwikispace (2 entries for the migrated space)
> ** XWS_REFERENCE: Migrated Space; XWS_NAME: Migrated Space; XWS_PARENT:
> null; XWS_HIDDEN: 1
>   XWS_REFERENCE: Main.Migrated Space; XWS_NAME: Migrated Space;
> ** XWS_REFERENCE: New Page; XWS_NAME: New Page; XWS_PARENT: null;
> I'd like to achieve a "sane" hierarchy which shows the migrated spaces
> directly under the wiki node but before deleting anything or doing database
> changes I'd like to know the community suggestions.
> Thanks in advance for some hints.
> Regards,
> Dennis
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