Hi All,

I was trying to write an implementation of storage interface for elastic
search, so that notebooks can be highly available in a cluster. The
implementation of basic interface looked simple but I got stuck while
importing note.json data into elastic search. Unfortunately, the type of
paragraphs.result varies. In my sample notebook, for one paragraph, it was
an object containing fields "code", "type" and "msg", while in another
paragraph, it was a string
org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransportException: java.net.ConnectException:
Connection refused".
This is not acceptable in elastic search, since the type of a field should
be same for an index. There might be some complex alternative, where once
can split notebook into multiple indices, based on the type of
paragraphs.result, but that is more of a hack.

Can someone please suggest a simple and clean alternative for this. I am
also curious about the reason for keeping different types for the same
variable in Zeppelin.


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