Hello! I'm emailing you guys because I have a problem I've been trying to
solve with Zeppelin for a month with no success.

I'm trying to set up Zeppelin on my Ubuntu (16.04) to have both SQL and R
as interpreters for my Dad's big data project, but it doesn't seem to be
working. So far I'm trying to get the 0.6.0 snapshot to work because it
supposedly has R and PSQL as interpreters already. I am able to build it,
and I can run it by going into the file and running
./bin/zeppelin-daemon.sh start, but for some reason every single time the R
interpreter doesn't work, and recently, the SQL hasn't worked either. R
gives me this error http://i.stack.imgur.com/NFPaL.png. The SQL used to
work, but then I installed a new version of the 0.6.0 snapshot (just cloned
the github repository again and mvn cleaned the package), and now it's not
working anymore. If I try to use the pre-made notebook "Zeppelin Tutorial,"
which uses %sql (which I changed the tag to be "%psql"), the very first
giant block (the imports) runs, but the three blocks below it error without
any error. There's nothing printed where the error usually is. I can send
pictures upon request.
I've mostly been using this guide:
I posted this question on Stack Overflow (goes over what I've tried):

I've tried all kinds of guides online, re-installed zeppelin a million
times, moved around files in the Zeppelin file-systems, etc, but it still
isn't working. I'm pretty lost on this right now, so the best way for me to
get help would be through Skype.

Thank you,

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