In fact that was not the main point of the email. I am opposed to the
deprecation of %dep.

However, answering your question, the %dep doesn't work for code that used
to work before.

*First paragraph*

// Neither of the following work. It only gives deprecation warning but
when trying to use the library I get errors

DepInterpreter(%dep) deprecated. Remove dependencies and repositories
through GUI interpreter menu instead.
DepInterpreter(%dep) deprecated. Load dependency through GUI interpreter
menu instead.
res0: org.apache.zeppelin.dep.Dependency =

*Second paragraph*


<console>:26: error: object uaparser is not a member of package org

The second paragraph works only when I load the library via the new GUI

On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 7:36 PM, Vinay Shukla <> wrote:

> Ahmed,
> Do you find that %dep not work for you post deprecation?
> Thanks,
> Vinay
> On Saturday, August 27, 2016, Ahmed Sobhi <> wrote:
>> I've been using the %dep extensively to setup my notebook dependencies
>> for later use by the Scala Spark paragraphs.
>> My main use case for these notebooks involve the following steps
>>    - Spin up an ephemeral cluster (with Spark and Zeppelin on it)
>>    - Import the notebook
>>    - Run
>> I've seen and the
>> comments on
>> html#dependencyloading which seem to suggest that this feature in being
>> deprecated in favor of the GUI settings since it works for both %spark and
>> %sql interpreters.
>> From a user's point-of-view the way to fixing this should've been fixing
>> the loading for %sql or at least warning about it so it doesn't surprise
>> users. But to takeaway something that is already working well, and remove
>> it in favour of matching a the less powerful %sql approach?
>> --
>> Cheers,
>> Ahmed
>> <>

Ahmed <>

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