Hi, users.

A few months ago the community started to create official docker image for
Zeppelin. As of 0.7.2, release process includes building docker image.
Thus, every release can ship its own docker image.

You can test the docker image for 0.7.2 with this command.

*docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm --name zeppelin apache/zeppelin:0.7.2*

or you can set docker volume options to persist notebooks and logs like

*docker run -p 8080:8080 --rm -v $PWD/logs:/logs -v $PWD/notebook:/notebook
-e ZEPPELIN_LOG_DIR='/logs' -e ZEPPELIN_NOTEBOOK_DIR='/notebook' --name
zeppelin apache/zeppelin:0.7.2*

And here are few links which might be helpful

- https://hub.docker.com/r/apache/zeppelin/
- https://github.com/apache/zeppelin/blob/master/docs/install/docker.md

Since this is an initial version, it might include some bugs or be not easy
to configure some options.

Hope that we can improve the docker file and deliver flexible images to the
community for various environments and use cases.


FYI, if you are having trouble with access localhost:8080, try to clear
browser caches like

[image: Inline image 1]

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