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Used for python + various odbc connections. Would be nice if we could access 
results in different notes so if we had note 1 with 5 different results, each 
sub-note has access to the previous results


From: Jeff Zhang []
Sent: Friday, February 16, 2018 8:43 AM
Subject: Re: Zeppelin use survey

Thanks Maksim,  It is super helpful for the zeppelin community.

Belousov Maksim Eduardovich 
<<>>于2018年2月16日周五 下午4:32写道:
Hello users!

Apache Zeppelin has wide functionality. It would be good to know how Zeppelin 
is used, most popular features and wishes.

I prepared the survey with 11 questions [1]. Please fill it.

After a while I will share source data and results.
I plan to make the survey every year.



Maksim Belousov

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