
When we first installed and started using zeppelin (before 0.8) using z.show to 
display the contents of a data frame worked great! In more recent versions (I’m 
sorry, i don’t know exactly which version it broke on), using z.show to show 
the contents of a data frame still produces a table, however scrolling down in 
that table is basically impossible. Often, it will scroll down a few rows and 
then jump back to the top or just freeze entirely. It seems to happen more with 
data frames that have many columns or large amounts of data per column? I 
haven’t yet found exactly how to reproduce.

Have others experienced this? Is there already a ticket open (I looked but 
didn’t find one)? If not I’ll try to create a csv that has data which reliably 
reproduces this problem and create a ticket. Sorry for putting off reporting 
this for so long, I just kept hoping it would get fixed.

Head of Data Science
pbren...@placeiq.com | (217) 390-3033 | www.placeiq.com
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