Hello Nils,

Thank you for sharing your concerns and suggestions.

I agree with you that we missed some information or instructions. I know
it's an excuse but we were challenged with some security issues recently
and we had to handle it with priority. I also hope it can be improved well.

For the usage, thank you for letting me know your use cases. Shell
interpreter looks like a mandatory component for you. We are discussing the
Shell interpreter issue with the security team so I'll share how we can use
it sooner than later.

Best regards,
Jongyoul Lee

2024년 4월 9일 (화) 오후 4:40, Nils Glueck <nils.glu...@posteo.net>님이 작성:

> Hello Jongyoul,
> thanks for your effort.
> The only thing that was a bit irritating to me is the fact that docs and
> online pages do not really mention the removal as of now. Such as docs
> for version 0.11.1.[1] Again, maybe missing something here.
> About the usage. We degraded Zeppelin from an interactive development
> tool to a task runner that would run notebooks using Shell interpreter
> when triggered from an external scheduler. So Zeppelin itself seems a
> bit over-engineered for our purposes.
> Considering switching to good old Jenkins instead.
> Will keep an eye on any further releases from Zeppelin though. Good that
> there seems to be still basic maintenance. :) Cheers
> Nils
> [1]
> https://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/0.11.1/usage/interpreter/installation.html

Best regards,
Jongyoul Lee

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