
Here's something i know about multi-tenancy for Zeppelin.

A. Reverse Proxy + Zeppelin on docker.

Setup a reverse proxy, who is doing authentication and redirect user to
proper Zeppelin instance running on docker container.
I saw many companies are already using Zeppelin in this way.

My company (NFLabs) also uses this way for one of internal cluster. And now
preparing open source the tools that helps set up and use this type of

As far as i know, NFLabs has no plan to make commercial package of Zeppelin
which has more features(such as security enabled zeppelin) than Apache
version. One commercial service NFLabs doing is collaboration/sharing
service for Zeppelin notebook with access control (like github for git).

B. Shiro security. PullRequest-53

Which enables dedicated notebook space for each user.
I like the approach and really make sense.

There're couple of issues i can think.
  - compiler context are shared among users
  - user can still read other users's notebook directly from filesystem
  - user is not distinguished in interpreter level.
  - restarting Zeppelin is required for many cases. That'll impact all
connected user.

Therefore, it can be used for basic authentication, but need more work for
multi-tenant environment.

So, i'd like to say, A is more like what's possible now, B is more like
future work.


On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 3:09 AM Eric Charles <e...@apache.org> wrote:

>  There is also https://github.com/apache/incubator-zeppelin/pull/53 which
> proposes to add shiro security (user authentication on the web part). This
> does not address what Ophir mentions (separated environment for e.g. spark
> interpreters to avoid variables shared across simultaneous authenticated
> users).
> My company (Datalayer) has also developed a multiuser extension to
> Zeppelin that addresses both web and interpreter user environment
> separation.
> To achieve this, we had to change the interpreter API to propagate the
> authenticated user to the interpreters.
> On 2015-06-28 11:54, IT CTO wrote:
> Thanks Ophir!
> That means that I have to wrap zeppelin with my own site which launch a
> zeppelin server on behalf of every requesting user. this is an option but I
> want avoiding it.
> pls, share wherever you come across during this journey
> Eran
>  On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 12:09 PM Ophir Cohen <oph...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>  Actually it a bit more than that:
>> Even the variables shared across notebooks!
>> I think that NFLabs has a commercial version that supports groups and
>> users.
>>  In my organisation we are looking on few solutions for that.
>> One of them is using different instances - maybe even on the same machine.
>>  I'm going to test it soon - but you are right, currently it's a problem.
>>  BTW
>>  Running different Zeppelin instances isn't such a bad idea as you get
>> the efficiency from the yarn resource manager that can be the same cluster
>> (assuming you using yarn)>
>> On Sun, Jun 28, 2015 at 10:00 AM, IT CTO <goi....@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> we are in the process of testing Zeppelin as our investigation platform
>>> inside the organization.
>>> One of the first question raised was with regard to multi user
>>> environment - currently, as I see it, all users run against the same
>>> zeppelin server and have access and availability to all notebooks.
>>>  What are other people do with regard to that?
>>> Does the road-map have a multi-tenant solution for zeppelin? security?
>>>  Eran

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