Sourav: I think this newly merged PR can help you

On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 1:46 PM, Sourav Mazumder <> wrote:

> Hi Moon,
> This looks great.
> My only suggestion would be to include a PR/feature - Support for Running
> Concurrent paragraphs/queries in Zeppelin.
> Right now if more than one user tries to run paragraphs in multiple
> notebooks concurrently through a single Zeppelin instance (and single
> interpreter instance) the performance is very slow. It is obvious that the
> queue gets built up within the zeppelin process and interpreter process in
> that scenario as the time taken to move the status from start to pending
> and pending to running is very high compared to the actual running time of
> a paragraph.
> Without this the multi tenancy support would be meaningless as no one can
> practically use it in a situation where multiple users are trying to
> connect to the same instance of Zeppelin (and the related interpreter). A
> possible solution would be to spawn separate instance of the same
> interpreter at every notebook/user level.
> Regards,
> Sourav
> On Sat, Feb 27, 2016 at 12:48 PM, moon soo Lee <> wrote:
>> Hi Zeppelin users and developers,
>> The roadmap we have published at
>> is almost 9 month old, and it doesn't reflect where the community goes
>> anymore. It's time to update.
>> Based on mailing list, jira issues, pullrequests, feedbacks from users,
>> conferences and meetings, I could summarize the major interest of users and
>> developers in 7 categories. Enterprise ready, Usability improvement,
>> Pluggability, Documentation, Backend integration, Notebook storage, and
>> Visualization.
>> And i could list related subjects under each categories.
>>    - Enterprise ready
>>       - Authentication
>>          - Shiro authentication ZEPPELIN-548
>>          <>
>>       - Authorization
>>          - Notebook authorization PR-681
>>          <>
>>       - Security
>>       - Multi-tenancy
>>       - Stability
>>    - Usability Improvement
>>       - UX improvement
>>       - Better Table data support
>>          - Download data as csv, etc PR-725
>>          <>, PR-714
>>          <>, PR-6
>>          <>, PR-89
>>          <>
>>          - Featureful table data display (pagenation, etc)
>>       - Pluggability ZEPPELIN-533
>>    <>
>>       - Pluggable visualization
>>       - Dynamic Interpreter, notebook, visualization loading
>>       - Repository and registry for pluggable components
>>    - Improve documentation
>>       - Improve contents and readability
>>       - more tutorials, examples
>>    - Interpreter
>>       - Generic JDBC Interpreter
>>       - (spark)R Interpreter
>>       - Cluster manager for interpreter (Proposal
>> <>
>>       )
>>       - more interpreters
>>    - Notebook storage
>>       - Versioning ZEPPELIN-540
>>       <>
>>       - more notebook storages
>>    - Visualization
>>       - More visualizations PR-152
>>       <>, PR-728
>>       <>, PR-336
>>       <>, PR-321
>>       <>
>>       - Customize graph (show/hide label, color, etc)
>> It will help anyone quickly get overall interest of project and the
>> direction. And based on this roadmap, we can discuss and re-define the next
>> release 0.6.0 scope and it's schedule.
>> What do you think? Any feedback would be appreciated.
>> Thanks,
>> moon

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