Is there any good guidance for storing interpreter passwords? While I know
it likely has to be in the interpreter.json files as plain text, is there
something more we could do?  Perhaps store encrypted to a master password
that the user, once they are in Zeppelin can.

(I.e, I open Zeppelin, then I get a a little lock icon showing me that my
passwords (and thus passwords in JDBC or other storage plugins are not
available) I click on the lock, and then I can enter in a password for the
session.  That password can be used for symmetric encryption of the values
stored in the interpreter.json file... thus if the files are accessed, they
are encrypted. )

At the very least, I would really ask that as we enter passwords in the UI
for interpreters, that we mask the password fields (or provide an option by
every field to mask if needed... perhaps giving interpreter writers the
options to auto mask certain default options?

I think this would be a good discussion to have because we should be
considering security in the context of what data a user has access to, if
Zeppelins configuration leaks information that's not a good thing.


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