Hi Mohit,

Please find my answers in-line.

On 10 May 2016 at 15:33, Mohit Gupta <mohit.mail...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> (1) I have recently started trying out Zeppeline and was trying to
> configure the BasicAuth using shiro that comes packaged in the build.
> It works well using the steps given in docs by doing foll :
> >> comment out /** = annon and uncomment /** = authcBasic
> >> turn zeppelin.anonymous.allowed to false
> However, once I have logged-in using one of the username/password defined
> in conf/shiro.ini, how do I time-out this session? I want to try out with
> different log-ins but it appears that the token generated using the first
> successful login gets saved somewhere with the zeppeline
> instance(note.json?) and it gets fetched on doing subsequent accesses. I
> have tried cleaning browser cache as well as removing the
> "authenticationInfo" from note.json(Just for finding out where this login
> info is coming from) but that doesn't help.

For session timeout you can specify the same in shiro.ini file, right now
its configured as 24Hours, but it can be changed.
But this dosen't work with *authcBasic *you have to use *authc*

/** = authc

> (2) I am also looking for some example to understand configuring zeppeline
> with an external authentication server. We have a node.js passport
> authentication system and it generates a token on validating the user. Is
> it possible to redirect the users coming to zeppline server to this
> authentication server? If yes, is there any sample config to understand
> changes required?
> Also, where do we specify the redirection link for authentication server
> and how do we set the authentication cookie?

For SSO; this document should help you out http://shiro.apache.org/cas.html.

> (3) Does zeppeline supports keeping notebooks local to a user. i.e.
> notebooks created by user A are not visible/accessible to any other user
> like user B?
> Yes, it does supports notebook level authorization. Here is a demo gif.

> Pls help with any suggestions.
> Thanks!

Thankx and Regards,

Prabhjyot Singh

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