>It would be handy to see if there is a survey of how many people in
>Ireland supported the changing of speed limit signs to metric using tax
>payers money.

I would be interested to see such a poll.  Firstly, given that a majority felt
that 2 weeks was enough time for campaign (when I myself would have been
doubtful) suggests that most people are quite comfortable with metric units. 
That, coupled with the fact that there has been a complete absence of *anyone*
demanding that imperial be retained would suggest that there is a majority in
support for it.  Most people simply don't feel strongly either way, but see
that two parallel systems is stupid, and it's better to go with the one that is
(a) easier to use (b) in wider use within the EU, and now is a good time to do
it while we are amending the overall limits, and the signs would need
replacing anyway.

The opposition deputies [MPs] that criticised the government's
handling of it were at pains to welcome the metric element of the change.

There is simply no emotional attachments to imperial measures here.  People
are much more pragmatic.  Also, unlike in the UK, nobody under the age of 46
has received any imperial units in his education. 

>The BWMA have very little interest in Irish affairs directly - because
>its a British organisation.

They were interested enough to correspond with our Dept of Transport and try
to convince them it wasn't a good idea.  They probably don't much care what
happens here, except in how it might be used to influence future
developments over there.

>Why not email BWMA and ask them directly if they would do such a thing?

I don't believe the BWMA are behind it.  It is more likely a Irish ex-patriot
in the US acting on his own who set up the site, and has probably forgotten
about it, as nobody I checked with has ever heard sight nor sound of it since
it was set up.  A BWMA front would at least be active.

Tom Wade                 | EMail: tee dot wade at eurokom dot ie
EuroKom                  | Tel:   +353 (1) 296-9696
A2, Nutgrove Office Park | Fax:   +353 (1) 296-9697                        
Rathfarnham              | Disclaimer:  This is not a disclaimer
Dublin 14                | Tip:   "Friends don't let friends do Unix !"

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