Section 5 ("Writing unit symbols and names, and expressing the
values of quantities") of the the SI Brochure has been extensively 
revised. It now contains much more extensive direction on the 
formatting of quantity values.

For example, the use of a space between the numerical portion of a value 
and the unit symbol is now explicitly required.

An explicit example is made here of the percent (%). The brochure states 
that a space is to be left between the number and the symbol %. So one 
would write 95 % and not 95%.

The brochure presents some very interesting examples of the use of the 
quantity calculus in formatting headings for tables and on the axes of 

The SI Brochure should be of interest to all people, of course. But in 
particular, those who write technical documents should study section 5.


James R. Frysinger
Lifetime Certified Advanced Metrication Specialist
Senior Member, IEEE

  Physics Lab Manager, Lecturer
  Dept. of Physics and Astronomy
  University/College of Charleston
  66 George Street
  Charleston, SC 29424
  843.953.7644 (phone)
  843.953.4824 (FAX)

  10 Captiva Row
  Charleston, SC 29407

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