I disagree.  Centimeters are fine.   However, I do agree with getting rid of the inch.  :)

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [USMA:45460] centimeter
From: "Robert H. Bushnell" <roberthb...@comcast.net>
Date: Thu, July 30, 2009 10:10 am
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <usma@colostate.edu>
Cc: usma@colostate.edu

Does NIST have any comments, reports, policies or recommendations
about the use of centimeter? Or not use of centimeter.

I want everyone to stop using centimeter. How are we to convert to
SI if, when we hear centimeter we think, "now how many inches is that"?
Centimeter causes this problem because it is near the size of the inch.
This makes it hard to stop using inches. People keep comparing
centimeters to inches.

Millimeter does not have this problem.

Can NIST help get rid of inches?

Thanks for your ideas.
Robert Bushnell, PhD PE
member USMA
member ASTM

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