Add NY State to that, also sequential.

On Mon, Dec 28, 2009 at 4:36 PM, Paul Trusten <> wrote:

> ...except Massachusetts!
> My native state has always had consecutive exit numbering.
> Paul Trusten
> On Dec 28, 2009, at 14:03, "Martin Vlietstra" <>
> wrote:
>  I understand that most US freeway exits are numbered with reference to
> the number of miles from the state line (or the start of the freeway
> concerned).  In the Wikipedia article “Exit numbers” 
> (<>
>, I saw the following:
> *“*United States - The use of sequential or distance-based exit numbering
> currently varies by state, with 43 states using distance-based exit
> numbering and seven states using sequential numbering. The latest edition of
> the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), issued by the Federal
> Highway Administration on December 16, 2009, eliminates the option for
> states to use sequential exit numbering, and requires the seven states that
> presently number their exits sequentially to convert to distance-based
> numbering by January 2020.” *There is more in the Wikipedia article 
> *<>
> Anybody have any comments?
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* [] *On
> Behalf Of *Victor Jockin
> *Sent:* 28 December 2009 19:34
> *To:* U.S. Metric Association
> *Subject:* [USMA:46312] Re: Column by Terry Dickson
> This half-serious piece is ignorable.  I just wish the international
> pressure he mentioned actually existed, or that the President had any
> inkling to act on the issue of metric conversion.
> I've said a few times on this discussion group that the biggest problem is
> the combination of the undemocratic nature of the US Senate (single senators
> can block action) and our inherently corrupt campaign finance system
> (Senators use that undemocratic power to serve monied private interests).
> The result is an inability of the US Congress to act in the public interest
> when powerful private interests might be harmed.  This is both why the US
> stands alone among industrialized countries in not adopting the world's
> standard system of measurement, and why we stand alone in not providing
> universal healthcare for our citizens.  The current healthcare debate has
> placed this glaring fault in our democracy in full view once again.
> We don't need a revolution to change this, just common sense campaign
> finance reform and, as Thomas Friedman wrote in the NY Times last week, a
> change in Senate rules to end filibusters.  Neither are unthinkable.
> *From:* *Pat Naughtin*
> *Sent:* Sunday, December 27, 2009 7:53 PM
> *To:* *U.S. Metric Association*
> *Subject:* [USMA:46307] Column by Terry Dickson
> Dear All,
> In this column at
> <>
>  Dickson writes:
> I hope our president doesn't bow to international pressure and put the U.S.
> on the metric system. We'd have to convert miles to kilometers and dabs and
> smidgens to deciliters and centiliters.
> Is this an important column that deserves a response?
> Cheers,
> Pat Naughtin
> Author of the ebook, *Metrication Leaders Guide,* that you can obtain
> from  <>
> PO Box 305 Belmont 3216,
> Geelong, Australia
> Phone: 61 3 5241 2008
> Metric system consultant, writer, and speaker, Pat Naughtin, has helped
> thousands of people and hundreds of companies upgrade to the modern metric
> system smoothly, quickly, and so economically that they now save thousands
> each year when buying, processing, or selling for their businesses. Pat
> provides services and resources for many different trades, crafts, and
> professions for commercial, industrial and government metrication leaders in
> Asia, Europe, and in the USA. Pat's clients include the Australian
> Government, Google, NASA, NIST, and the metric associations of Canada, the
> UK, and the USA. See  <>
> for more metrication information,
> contact Pat at  <>
> or to get the free '*Metrication
> matters*' newsletter go to: <>
> to subscribe.

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