
The SI unit of length is the "meter"; neither centimeter nor millimeter are 
coherent units of length in SI.

Both centimeter and millimeter are formally approved by the CGPM as 
"submultiples" of the unit meter.  I'm sure you know all this.

Although you favor exclusive use of mm over cm for precise industrial and 
commercial applications for good reasons, please stop insisting on exclusion of 
cm for educational and general public applications.


---- Original message ----
>Date: Wed, 3 Feb 2010 09:09:53 +1100
>From: Pat Naughtin <>  
>Subject: [USMA:46562] Re: "Go Metric" bumper sticker; centimeters  
>To: "U.S. Metric Association" <>
>   On 2010/02/02, at 06:18 , Martin Vlietstra wrote:
>     One of the important roles played by the
>     centimetre is in elementary education.  Young
>     children can use centimetre blocks to learns
>     counting and measuring at the same time (the
>     Montesouri method).  Getting them to unlearn
>     centimetres is a retrograde step – it is far
>     better to introduce millimetres once they are
>     ready for it and to teach them that some
>     industries use millimetres and some centimetres
>     (and that you should not mix them).
>   Dear Martin,
>   You make some interesting points...


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