I'll jot that down as another thing I learned on this here forum!


I know that there are words in Swiss-German that do not exist in german but I 
must admit I never knew about the swiss-french numbering system being 'proper 
decimal' as you say.  That's mad!  (ie the difference, not the decimallisation)
> Date: Mon, 5 Apr 2010 18:03:54 -0700
> From: u...@otoh.org
> To: usma@colostate.edu
> Subject: [USMA:47059] RE: Saving the mile and the pint for Britain
> At 2010-04-05T20:16-0400, Carleton MacDonald wrote:
> > 
> > four twenties-seventeen
> > 
> > four twenties-eighteen
> > 
> > four twenties-nineteen
> Interestingly, Swiss French uses normal decimal counting instead of this
> weirdness.
> Paul
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