I would think that even as supplementary measures there must be a legal 
element.  Eg - Carrots £1.00/kilo  5p per pound !Similarly advertising a car 
that does 400 mpg when it cannot do that must have legal implications.
And as far as acres are concerned - You see them on boardings for land and in 
the estate agents.  I have yet to see a hectare - although if I google it I 
probably would see it.Again though - if an estate agent was selling a house on 
20 acres of land when there's only a quarter of that the public *must* have 
some legal protection (I say 'must' - I don't know for sure).
Of course using such measures on TV etc isn't a legal thing - just proof that 
the units get used - sometimes exclusively so.

Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 18:36:05 -0700
From: jmsteele9...@sbcglobal.net
Subject: [USMA:47033] RE: Saving the mile and the pint for Britain
To: usma@colostate.edu

Just to quibble:
*The mile, yard, foot, and inch are used in road signage only.  Other length 
subdivisions, not used in road signage, have no legal standing, do they?  For 
example furlongs, chains, poles or rods, fathoms, links, hands, cables, 
leagues, etc.  Has not the UK conceded that the acre is no longer used in land 
*The pint can only be used to dispense draft beer, cider, or milk in returnable 
bottles, right,  All other uses are supplemental only, metric is required.
*The gallon, quart, gill, etc are not legal units, only supplemental? (also the 
*The pound and ounce are not legal units, only supplemental?  (Is the troy 
ounce still a legal measure?)

From: Stephen Humphreys <barkatf...@hotmail.com>
To: U.S. Metric Association <usma@colostate.edu>
Sent: Sun, April 4, 2010 8:37:33 PM
Subject: [USMA:47032] RE: Saving the mile and the pint for Britain

Margaret Thatcher also brought in petrol price by the litre. 

But to the main point - the recent euro elections saw the tories send out 
pre-election pamphlets explaining how they 'saved the pound and the ounce for 

That makes them having 'saved' the mile and all the divisions thereof (yards, 
feet and inches - and hands if you include horses!)- plus lb, oz and pints,  
and gallons in mpg.  Amongst other things.

Actually -  I think the recent 'saving' was rather cheeky.  Apart from the fact 
that they only prevented the usage of lb/oz becoming illegal - it's highly 
dubious that 'they' did that either.

From: pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com
To: usma@colostate.edu
Subject: [USMA:47029] Saving the mile and the pint for Britain
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 09:57:13 +1000

Dear All, 

I found this page at 
http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100402183300AAlPjkT and it 
reminded me of a media quote near the time when Margaret Thatcher left office. 
She is reported to have said in listing her achievements:

'We have saved the mile and the pint for Britain'.

Now that the mile and the pint are the last remaining legal Imperial measuring 
words in the UK their existence is often used to justify the use of all of the 
old paraphernalia of the old defunct and deprecated measuring words. Somehow 
the simple (legal) existence of the mile and the pint allows people to morally 
justify the use of acres, inches, ounces, pounds, tons, and so on interminably.

Margaret Thatcher might have been right in that the Tories 'saved the mile and 
the pint' in a legal sense, but in doing so they created a culture dedicated in 
large part to the dual expense of the hopeless muddle that measurement in the 
UK has become. With hindsight the damage that Margaret Thatcher has done to the 
education of children in the UK and to the economy is extraordinary. If we 
apply the Confederation of British Industry estimate of 9 % of turnover each 
year then the cost of simply saving two words is extraordinary.

It is interesting that the mile and the pint have been defined in terms of 
metric units since 1959 so the Margaret Thatcher versions of the words mile and 
pint are, in fact, metric units hidden behind Imperial words. Margaret Thatcher 
was Prime Minister of the UK from 1979 to 1990.

Pat Naughtin
Author of the ebook, Metrication Leaders Guide, that you can obtain from 
PO Box 305 Belmont 3216,
Geelong, Australia
Phone: 61 3 5241 2008

Metric system consultant, writer, and speaker, Pat Naughtin, has helped 
thousands of people and hundreds of companies upgrade to the modern metric 
system smoothly, quickly, and so economically that they now save thousands each 
year when buying, processing, or selling for their businesses. Pat provides 
services and resources for many different trades, crafts, and professions for 
commercial, industrial and government metrication leaders in Asia, Europe, and 
in the USA. Pat's clients include the Australian Government, Google, NASA, 
NIST, and the metric associations of Canada, the UK, and the USA. See 
http://www.metricationmatters.com/ to subscribe.

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