He's basically asked that all correspondence must be in imperial.
Even with a pro-metric heart, while the signs are still imperial isn't it 
common sense to refer to those same things in the same 'language'?
I don't mean this to be pro- or anti- anything but I'm posing it as a question 
that might usually run counter to your gut instinct but with bitten lip causes 
you to see the reason in this case.
I'm not allowed to choose feet or metres when asking for pipe length recently 
(the law states metres, even though I wanted a third of that).  I don't 
deliberately ask for 3 feet and X inches or 1 and a bit yards to avoid the use 
of metres.Hope that makes sense.

Date: Mon, 7 Jun 2010 19:13:56 +0000
From: ezra.steinb...@comcast.net
To: usma@colostate.edu
Subject: [USMA:47547] UK Transport Minister banishes metric in all official 

Is this barmy or what? Hammond has clearly gone 'round the bend ...



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