At 2010-06-11T16:14+0100, Phil Hall wrote:
> The litre (or liter of you prefer) has, IMHO, a lot going for it as a
> general purpose unit for most ranges. Its main advantage is the
> avoidance of the superscripted 3 for plain text messaging. It is also
> easily converted to cubic metres when that is required (just divide by
> 1000). I have to say I don't like the dam³ that has been suggested. I
> don't see why the megalitre or ML won't do just as well.
> We then have:
> 1 m³ = 1 kL
> 1 dam³ = 1 ML
> 1 hm³ = 1 GL
> 1 km³ = 1 TL
> Simple yes?
And thus we have the beauty of the metric system. Use whatever you like,
it's very easy to convert those numbers in your head.

Try converting a cubic yard to pints some time ;-)


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