I keep it simpler, John. Black is a lack of white (hence the last four letters in "black"), gray is just a darker shade of white (I've got some old T-shirts that prove it), and brown is what happens when Roy G. Biv gets all stirred up.

Have you ever considered the theory that the true purpose of a light bulb is to suck up darkness? Same thing happens with the sun.


John M. Steele wrote:
It is not my long suit either. However, I had to learn enough to manage filtering both electronic displays (native color: cyan VF) and incandescent instrument panel bulbs (rather low kelvin, yellowish bulbs) to the corporate lighting color. My guys had trouble understanding why two very different filters are needed. Two different source spectra, same end result requires different filters. In fact, with the two source spectra, and one of the filters, you can spec the other with a little (lol) math. The CIE Standard Observer tables are in the CRC Handbook of Chemistry & Physics, at least in the 43rd and 70th editions, which are the only ones I have around. I did not know that women have more cone types than men. But it is clear my wife can differentiate at least 6!/3! more colors than I can. My friend Roy G. Biv taught me all the colors i need to know (well, except black, brown, gray, and white)

*From:* James R. Frysinger <j...@metricmethods.com>
*To:* U.S. Metric Association <usma@colostate.edu>
*Sent:* Sun, July 11, 2010 5:37:25 PM
*Subject:* [USMA:48178] Re: Light bulbs


Thanks for the correction (where was my head?!) and the excellent amplification, including the existence of two principle curves, those being "photopic" (cone, bright light) and "scotopic" (rod, dim light), with the term "mesopic" used to describe the combined effects of those in mid-intensity light situations. We might as well point out that the photopic curve has two "modifications" available that increase its values a bit near to and into the ultraviolet.

What disenchants me in particular about the CIE curve (esp. the initial curve of 1924 [date?]) is its pitiful provenance. As I recall, at least in part, the data for this "visual brightness" curve was taken by questionable experimental means on 12 (?) "healthy young males" at Yale. Modern biology tells us that while men (who are not colorblind) possess three types of cones (based on three receptor molecules), women can possess as many as six, due to the genes for chromatic development being on the X chromosome. It's not atypical for a woman to possess at least four different receptor molecules; I think the "blue-green" one is the one normally existing in dual form. Thus, it's not entirely cultural that women can possess finer color sense than men do; they may be genetically predisposed.

A handful of "healthy young males"?

Your comments about the reluctance of the CIPM to further support photopic units are appropriate, John.

When I was teaching physics I had my students use the 1931 curve, following the integration method you described, to calculate the overall luminous efficacy of incandescent and fluorescent light bulbs (in lumens per watt). It took me some time to track down the values of that CIE 1931 curve. I seem to recall that incandescent bulbs typically ran about 8 % and fluorescent bulbs closer to 30 % in overall luminous efficacy.

For more information, folks, see
which exists in electronic form only. The photopic and scotopic curve values are listed in
to which the former link refers.

Again, thanks for the help, John. As you probably sense, photopic physics is not my long suit.


John M. Steele wrote:
> That's quite good. However, the maximum luminous efficnecy is 683 lm/W. This is at about 555 nm, and the peak is quite narrow; half power points are at about 510 nm and 610 nm. > The CIE is in charge of all things related to light and color measurement. The basic technique is to multiply the radiometric data by an action spectrum and integrate. "The standard observer" defines three such spectra known as the X, Y, and Z tristimulus values. Y is also the CIE luminosity function. Color is defined in terms of x = X/(X+Y+Z) and y = Y/(X+Y+Z), there is a z = 1-x-y, but it is usually omitted. Numerous other color systems are defined relative to these. I belabor all this to make the point that unless you really love green (555 nm) light, the value of 683 lm/W is not approachable even theoretically. If you insist on "white" light, mixing various wavelengths to achieve it, you get about 1/3 that, perhaps 200-250 lm/W depending on how you define white, just to get enough wavelengths to approximate white. > All of that is for our daytime vision. There is another curve for nighttime vision. Nighttime vision is monochromatic, so only the alternate luminosity function is defined; the wavelength peak and sensitivity are different. > Although photometric units are well established, I think the BIPM has regrets about being talked into getting into the action spectra business. Appendix 3 of the SI Brochure makes pretty clear that there won't be any more as "official SI base units." Human vision could have been handled as an action spectrum, avoiding the need for the candela and related units. Keep in mind that other species may have other action spectra and that the lumen, candela, etc may be useless for measuring light as perceived by them. It is clearly wrong for plants. Plants only care about the red and blue, and reflect the green light which is the basis of luminosity to humans.
 > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* James R. Frysinger <j...@metricmethods.com <mailto:j...@metricmethods.com>> > *To:* U.S. Metric Association <usma@colostate.edu <mailto:usma@colostate.edu>>
 > *Sent:* Sun, July 11, 2010 2:53:43 PM
 > *Subject:* [USMA:48175] Re: Light bulbs
> Those would be low-power light bulbs, not low-energy light bulbs, Pat. We measure power in watts and energy in joules.
> Your question on the seemingly conflicting statements on power (even more accurately, load) ratings has been very adequately answered.
> The issue of spectrum was raised by John Steele. Further to his excellent observations, it would be appropriate to note that the determination of the luminous flux of a light bulb is itself spectrum-dependent. There is a curve of rather arcane derivation that is used for frequency correction (though it is normally given in terms of wavelength). The peak of this curve is where the human eye is alleged to be the most efficient at detecting light and that occurs near 540 THz (about 555 nm). At this frequency, the luminous efficacy is 643 lm/W. Away from this frequency, the luminous efficacy factor declines in a manner that looks vaguely like a bell curve. That is, a stream of photons at a 1 W power level will be rated as 643 lm. Closer to either the red or the blue end of the visible spectrum, a stream of photons at a 1 W power level will be rated at fewer lumens, approaching zero at frequencies corresponding to 400 nm and 700 nm in vacuum. Those power levels given in watts are "radiometric" and calculated by multiply the number of photons per second flowing in the beam by the energy of each photon (product of Planck's constant and its frequency). The luminous flux measured in lumens is "photometric". The definition of the lumen, then, is the meeting point of the radiometric and the photometric camps.
> Goodness, I wrote that off the top of my head. Perhaps John can correct any errors I have made.
 > Jim
 > Pat Naughtin wrote:
 >  > Dear All,
 >  >
> > Yesterday I went to a hardware store to buy some low-energy light bulbs. I was shown some bulbs labelled 24 W and I was assured by a sales assistant that these were 100 W bulbs. What is going on here?
 >  >
 >  > Cheers,
 >  >  Pat Naughtin
> > Author of the ebook, /Metrication Leaders Guide,/ see http://metricationmatters.com/MetricationLeadersGuideInfo.html > > Hear Pat speak at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lshRAPvPZY PO Box 305 Belmont 3216,
 >  > Geelong, Australia
 >  > Phone: 61 3 5241 2008
 >  >
> > Metric system consultant, writer, and speaker, Pat Naughtin, has helped thousands of people and hundreds of companies upgrade to the modern metric system smoothly, quickly, and so economically that they now save thousands each year when buying, processing, or selling for their businesses. Pat provides services and resources for many different trades, crafts, and professions for commercial, industrial and government metrication leaders in Asia, Europe, and in the USA. Pat's clients include the Australian Government, Google, NASA, NIST, and the metric associations of Canada, the UK, and the USA. See http://www.metricationmatters.com <http://www.metricationmatters.com/>for more metrication information, contact Pat at pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com <mailto:pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com> <mailto:pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com <mailto:pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com>> <mailto:pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com <mailto:pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com> <mailto:pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com <mailto:pat.naugh...@metricationmatters.com>>> or to get the free '/Metrication matters/' newsletter go to: http://www.metricationmatters.com/newsletter to subscribe.
 >  >
 > -- James R. Frysinger
 > 632 Stony Point Mountain Road
 > Doyle, TN 38559-3030
 > (C) 931.212.0267
 > (H) 931.657.3107
 > (F) 931.657.3108

-- James R. Frysinger
632 Stony Point Mountain Road
Doyle, TN 38559-3030

(C) 931.212.0267
(H) 931.657.3107
(F) 931.657.3108

James R. Frysinger
632 Stony Point Mountain Road
Doyle, TN 38559-3030

(C) 931.212.0267
(H) 931.657.3107
(F) 931.657.3108

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